- Say the encrypted phrase out loud and fast
- Repeat the phrase multiple times in quick succession.
Orange Cards
Culture (landmark institutions, food, celebrities, iconic quotes, TV, film, etc.)
Red Cards
General (trends, embarrassing confessions, British phrases, pop and party culture, etc.)
Black Cards
Adult (18+)
You can play one-on-one or split into two or more teams. If a player decrypts the card, they or their team 'win' that card. Decide beforehand how many cards are needed to win. For example, you can set a goal of 20 cards. Compete to be the first person or team to decrypt and 'win' the agreed number of cards.
To start playing, decide who goes first. This can be done with a friendly arm wrestling contest or with a classic rock-paper-scissors game. Once it's decided who starts, turn the hourglass or set a timer for one minute.
A player from the opposing team will hold up a card so the opponent sees the encrypted words. It is not allowed to help the decrypter! The game is most fun when you know the true meaning, so we recommend that the rest of the room can see the unencrypted side while playing.
When time runs out, the opponent keeps the correctly decrypted cards. Once your timer has finished, it is the other team's turn. Play until one of the teams has collected the number of cards you decided on at the start.
If a player gets stuck on a card, they can ask for a hint or description. Remember, it’s a timed game, so be quick! If you feel you will not guess the card, you can say "pass" and get a new card.
You're now ready to play ENCRYPTED!